(03) 9761 1295
Unit 19/80 Mills Rd, Braeside VIC
Unit 19/80 Mills Rd, Braeside VIC
First things first, there is no such thing as a “fireproof safe” or thief proof safe”. If it is man made, it can be overcome. Safes essentially buy the owner an amount of time before the safe is defeated either by force or fire. If a company is selling you a fireproof or theft proof safe, get it in writing.
Most safes are primarily designed as either fire resisting or theft resisting.
It is true, there are some theft resisting safes that do have a fire rating, although these safes should not be confused with a true fire rated safe.
A true fire rated safe (depending on the testing house) should withstand a typical fire for at least 1 hour without the internal temperature passing between 50 – 177 C again depending on the testing house, and type of test.
Theft resisting safes are designed to withstand attack from tools such as: manual hand tools, lock picking equipment, electrical power grinders, carbide drill bits, devices that apply pressure, cutting wheels, power saws & impact tools, etc.
The quality of a safe is generally determined by the type of materials used combined with how these are configured within the safe design. Fire resisting safes are purposely designed with a thin outer metal body (approx 1 mm thick) combined with fire resisting materials internally.
The outer body of the theft resisting safes start at 10 mm thick and are combined with “Barrier materials” for example, TDR (Torch & Drill Resisting) up to 200 mm in total thickness.
Cost is controlled by the grade and size of the safe; this is true for fire and theft resisting. Unfortunately, some buyers are controlled by budget, some may say that any safe is better than no safe.
This is true to some extent, but beware of buying safes that do not match your specific requirements, in doing so, it is akin to securing your valuables in a cardboard box, so before purchasing a safe, we recommend you get expert advice for your specific needs.
It is important to remember that there are many types of safes available which vary in size and weight.
Most safes weighing over 100 kg generally require installation by professional safe installers.
Some Important things to consider when a safe is being delivered:
All CMI safe products carry a 5 year warranty with 2 year warranty on all locks.
Also, if required, we can attend site and assist with the operation of a newly purchased safe in Melbourne.
At United Security Alliance, we pride ourselves with a 24 hour, 7 days a weeks service.
P: 03 9761 1295
Unit 19 / 80 Mills Rd, Braeside Victoria 3195